A slice of Texas … part 1

Last week my daughter and I took a five-day trip to Texas to visit cousin Laura and family. I have to say this trip was probably the most relaxing yet interesting trip that I have taken in years. But, having taken more than 500 photos, I have a lot of material to wade through …

We arrived at Laura’s house in Keller, Texas about noon on Sunday - with the temperature in the 70’s (much unlike Minnesota). Keller is a beautiful north suburb of Fort Worth with a population of about 43,000.

The first thing I saw as I entered the guest bedroom is shown below - a custom sewn apron as a birthday gift for me and aptly titled “The Carolyn.” What a wonderful welcome. And, as Laura would say, “You must always check the pockets,” for there to find more gifts.

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As you can see, the guest bedroom is very peaceful - perfect for long-sought nights of restful sleep.

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And in the kitchen, my favorite flowers …

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And what better to great guests than Rudi and Franz! Our most recent dachshund passed away last March, so Rudi and Franz were both very pleasant reminders of her. (And, yes, I think we will soon have another.)

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After a delicious lunch of tortellinni soup, (Yes, Laura spoiled us with her fine cooking) we decided to go for a walk at a very nice local park. Still adjusting to the change in altitude and temperature, and living with a lung disease, I brought up the rear - along with Rudi, who like me, gets winded. I must add, however, that I walked a lot during this trip - as you will see in future posts - and actually did quite well. It must have been the companions I was with.

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While walking in the park, we came upon this interesting sculpture by Frederic Augusta Bartholdi. Can you guess what it is?

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This plaque provides information on the sculpture.
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And, this is what you see when you look through the viewer. Did you guess correctly?
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During the trip, we spent our evenings enjoying amazing food and visiting … sharing stories and learning about one another. It doesn’t get any better.

But, hang on … there’s much more. My next blog - visiting Southfork Ranch, the setting of the 1978-1991 television series Dallas.

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Now read this

A slice of Texas … part 6 - The Dallas Museum of Art

On Wednesday morning of our trip, we decided to head into Dallas to the Dallas Museum of Art. The museum’s collections include more than 24,000 works of art from around the world ranging from ancient to modern times. The ancient... Continue →