A slice of Texas … part 6 - The Dallas Museum of Art

On Wednesday morning of our trip, we decided to head into Dallas to the Dallas Museum of Art. Trip to Laura's 306.JPGThe museum’s collections include more than 24,000 works of art from around the world ranging from ancient to modern times.
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The ancient Mediterranean art includes Cycladic, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Etruscan, and Apulian objects and South Asian art ranging from Gandharan Buddhist art of the 2nd to 4th centuries AD to the arts of the Mughal Empire in India from the 15th to the 19th century.
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The museum’s European art starts in the 16th century. Some of the earlier works includes the painting of The Shepherd Faustulus Bringing Romulus & Remus to His Wife, 1654. The blue of the cloth holding Romulus and Remus is still very vivid.
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There is so much to see at this museum. Here’s a few of the many photos I took at the museum …

Water Lilies, Claude Monet 1908
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Fredericksborg Castle, Johann Christian Dahl, 1817
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The Seine at Chateau, Pierre Auguste Renoir, 1874

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The Point Neuf, Claude Monet, 1875

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As you can see, I am drawn to the impressionists.But, also, being a city planner, I am drawn to architecture …

Window with Starfish (“Spring”) and Window with Sea Anemone (“Summer”) from the suite “Four Seasons under the Sea,” Louis Comfort Tiffany, 1885-1895

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And more Tiffany … a panel from the Robert R. Blacker house in Pasadena, California …

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The elaborate elevator grill from the Chicago Stock Exchange, Louis Sulllivan, Designer, 1893-94… (The Stock Exchange building was demolished in 1972.)

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Again, this is just a very small sampling of what we saw. I am sure there is something of interest for everyone at the Dallas Museum of Art.

Coming Next: A slice of Texas … Part 7 - The Kimbell Art Museum


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