More to be thankful for …

Last week we attended the memorial for my husband’s Aunt Eleanor. Usually such occasions are not all that enjoyable. But this time was different. We had a thoroughly enjoyable day. Let me tell you why. images (3).jpg

The memorial was held in Deer River, Minnesota - a two and a half hour (or so) drive - mostly on two lane roads. Despite the winter weather, the trip went well. The scenery was beautiful - including the vistas of Mille Lacs Lake - the second largest lake in Minnesota.

After reaching Deer River, we quickly found Comstock Court, the senior apartment building where Eleanor lived. The memorial was being held in the attached Comstock Center. We arrived a little early, had a pleasant discussion with Pastor Dwight Rudquist, and looked at the carefully laid out display of momentos and photos of Eleanor. We sat at a table, reminiscing about Eleanor - how she and Jim’s mother, Edna, often talked on the phone for hours at a time - the conversation often interrupted by joyful laughter. We talked about Eleanor’s and Roy’s farm - with a brook running through a perfectly manicured lawn - thanks to the sheep. We remembered.

The room soon filled with Eleanor’s friends from the Comstock and the community. Shortly before the service began, the family came into the room. We had not seen any of these folks for many years; most of them we had never seen. We recognized a few but, sadly, we did not know most of them.

After a lovely service - with a beautiful tribute by Eleanor’s granddaughter, Laura, the service ended and it was time to greet the family. Very quickly we realized that these people really are a part of our family. We talked and laughed and got to know one another a little. And we stayed until most were gone.

While I am a little sad that we didn’t know these relatives before this, I am so very grateful that we know them now. I hope we will stay in touch and perhaps even visit. I’m sure Eleanor is smiling … her final act of kindness and love – bringing us together.

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Aunt Eleanor Ingalls (also known as Becky and Grandma Jingles)


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