A slice of Texas … part 7 - Billy’s Oak Acres BBQ

We couldn’t leave Texas without some good Texas BBQ so our last stop was Billy’s Oak Acres BBQ, located off of Highway 820 on North Las Vegas Trail in Fort Worth. We certainly found good BBQ … along with a lot of Texas character!

As soon as we pulled up to the restaurant, we knew it was going to be fun just looking at the rustic character of the building.

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As we entered, this sign announced the specials of the day.

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The decor was fun …

Car racing in the corner …

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The pool table immediately next to our table …

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And the window decorations … (Note the antlers and guitars - Billy’s also offers live music.)

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Now - what to order? We knew we wanted the deviled eggs with sri racha. We debated whether we should order brisket - which the waitress highly recommended - but decided on the chicken fried steak. To our delight, however, the waitress brought out the eggs with a big sample of brisket … which was wonderful!!

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The chicken fried steak was served on basic white plates with paper towel napkins. The meal was very tasty but we left just enough room in our tummies for dessert. (Not to worry, however, we did not waste a bit … the leftovers went to our vacation host’s home.)

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We couldn’t resist the banana pudding, ranked 3rd in the state of Texas by Texas Monthly Magazine … mmmmm, so good!

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One our way out, we stopped to admire their collection of vintage lunch boxes … Trip to Laura's 411.JPG

And this plaque telling about the restaurant …

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And, then - even better – we had a nice chat with Billy and his Dad.

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It just doesn’t get any better! So, for those of you who live near or visit Fort Worth, take some time to visit Billy’s Oak Acres BBQ and have some brisket for me! You might want to check before you take the drive to Billy’s, however, because they are often sold out!! We are not the only ones who enjoy Billy’s Oak Acres BBQ!


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