Not at all predictable

il_fullxfull.164552790.jpgAs a child, I could often be found outside - sitting under a tree, barefoot, reading a book. I didn’t have a lot of toys, but I always had books. My mother saw to that. Most of them were from a series of educational books on various scientific and historical topics. The books fed my never-ending curiosity. Today, semi-retired (working part-time), I still act as a child. I love to sit outside and read. I love to read, period.

So, what will you find on this blog? You’ll find tidbits on history, photography, writing, architecture, genealogy, land use, bioethics, positivity, knitting, veteran’s issues and much more. Chances are there will be a few posts with life lessons. So, stay in touch and prepare to be surprised.


Now read this

An afternoon tour … Amish country and more

On Saturday (April 18th) we drove to St. Cloud to do some shopping errands, which took a short time. Then what to do?? We could go home and feel obligated to work or … we could go on a Saturday afternoon ride. We chose the ride. From St.... Continue →