To My Wife and Children … 1944

*This poem was written by my father, Galen Olene, to my mother, Shirley Olene, when he was overseas serving in WWII - somewhere in Europe. He was one of many soldiers in Normandy.

He refers to my brothers, Steve and Dave, who were little tykes when he wrote this - see the photo at the bottom. Most people who knew him would be surprised that he wrote this poem - but we all new better. He just pretended to be tough. All of them - Mom, Dad, Steve and Dave - are now gone.*

To My Wife and Childrenby Galen Olene #

Every night before I go to bed,

I say a prayer with low bowed head,

Praying to God for him to keep,

A watch over my family while they are asleep.

Every night it seems, as I wake from my dreams,

In heaven there is a star,

Reminding me of your love, dear,

And how beautiful you are.

There’s Stevie and Davie and I bet they’re both yelling

To be held in your arms all the time.

Their eyes are blue and their hair curly, too,

Our Lord gave them to you, a mother so true,

Blessed with your love and care.

I know you’re a yearning for my returning,

And, if I had my way, I’d be there,

Oh, how I pine for that family of mine,

And surely wish I could be

On the floor, with the toys for my little boys,

So I could watch them grow up, you see.

So, good night my love and my children, too.

One more night to dream if my dreams could come true.

I hope and I pray that there’ll come the day,

That I’ll come home safety to you.

Dad's poem browntone.jpg


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